Legislative Archives for March of 2016

House Bills to be heard on Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Published 03/16/2016

The House Bills to be heard on 3/22/16, at the rise of the house, about 4:30pm are: H-7093- This is a good bill.  Would make automatic renewal of carry permits with NICS ck and $40.00 fee. H-7103- This is a good bill.  No sales tax on containers (safe) to safely store firearms. H-7199- VERY BAD BILL.  Bans all...

House Bills heard on March 22nd Held for further study

Published 03/23/2016

All Bills heard by the House on Tuesday, March 22nd have been held for further study.  Thank you to everyone who came to the State House to be heard by signature or by testimony and for those who contacted their Reps by calling and emailing.  Great job everyone!